The history of Denver
A guide to Colorado’s Historic Architecture and Engineering:use drop-down menu on left side to access a wealth of information
Historical Guide to Colorado Architects
Picture Dictionary of house styles in North America and Beyond:photos and details of many house styles
What Style is My Bungalow:Bungalows come in many flavors; Perhaps you Might be living in one
The Convenient Old House:information about older homes and sensitive ways to bring them into the next century
Old House Journal:information, old house plans, and products related to restoration.
American Bungalow:arts& craft related information
The Arts & Crafts Movement in the Midwest: n online book documenting the arts & craft aesthetic
Founders of the Arts & Crafts Movement 1870-1990:an anthology and brief overview of the Arts & Crafts movement
An Introduction to the People of the Arts & Crafts Movement
Archives of the Arts & Crafts society:information about the movement and present day resources
The Arts & Crafts Museum:information about the movement
Arts & Crafts Garden styles: Historic Garden influenced by the Arts & Crafts aesthetic
Aladdin Homes:kit homes documented by the university of Michigan’s Clarke Historical Library
Digitized Aladdin Company Sales Catalogs:1908-1954
Sears”Modern”Homes:Kit homes from 1908-1940
Bungalow floor Plans:Original Plans, elevation drawings, and advertisements from 1908-1921(mainly sears, but some other too)
The Gamble House:Greene & Greene’s Arts & Crafts masterpiece