Denver’s Design Guidelines for Historic Structures and Districts
Colorado State Tax Credits for Historic preservation
Historic Denver
Colorado Preservation Inc.
The National Register of Historic Places
National trust Of Historic preservation
National Preservation Institute
Secretly of the interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Historic preservation
The secretary of the interior’s standards for Rehabilitation: A Colorado Example slideshow
Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings:A slideshow from the secretary of the interior
How to Treat Historic Building:preserving,rehabilitating, restoring & reconstructing
Historic preservation:assists with designation, design review, and Colorado tax credit incentives related to Historic Properties
preservation Easement Trust:protect an old building and get a tax deduction
The Federal Historic preservation Tax incentives Program
Preservation Directory: a resource for Historic preservation, building reservation & cultural resource management
Colorado Historic Society’s office of Archaeology & Historic preservation: 5 pages of preservation-related links